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Commonly used filter function
The core is good, water is good.
Filter is the heart and filter has advantages and disadvantages.
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Wastewater phosphorus removal method
At present, the methods of phosphorus removal from wastewater with chemical precipitation method, electrolytic method, microorganism method and biological method, physical adsorption method, soil treatment method and membrane technology processing method,
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The use of reverse osmosis membrane correct method
Reverse osmosis, also known as reverse osmosis, a differential pressure as the driving force, isolated from the solution of solvent membrane separation operation. Of membrane material liquid pressure, when pressure exceeds its osmotic pressure, solvent wi
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Electrochemical processing wastewater
Electrochemical treatment includes electrochemical REDOX, electrocoagulation, electric floating, photoelectrochemical oxidation, electrolysis and other methods. Electrochemical application including removal of heavy metals in wastewater treatment and recy
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